Religious Liberty, known as our "First Freedom" upholds all our liberties
because it affirms that God, not government, is the source of our freedoms.
By working with fellow laity in parishes in many states we strive to educate every generation about our freedom of Religion...how rare it is, how dearly it was purchased for us and how quickly it can be lost.

Educate students about their rights to live their faith openly in public schools through our video and lessons.
Provide weekly "Focus On Religious Freedom" articles to parish bulletins in every state.
Alert parents, teachers and public school administrators that students rights to religious expression are denied at the risk of suspension of school federal funding.
Enable our organizers to exhibit our materials at events such as the Convocation for Catholic Leaders and the March for life.
Fund the development of new laity-empowering materials that Catholics in any church can use to spread awareness and defense of religious freedom.